Itaconix's Technology Platform

Itaconix has created a broad technology platform around the versatility and safety of itaconic acid as a building block for ingredients that can replace acrylic acid or styrene polymers.

By developing plant-based formulas and ingredients seamlessly integrated into the consumer goods marketplace, the company addresses environmental concerns, so consumers don't have choose between performance, cost and sustainability.

Dandelion seeds blowing in the breeze.

Sustainable Plant-Based solutions for everyday products

What is itaconic Acid?

The material at the core of our platform, itaconic acid, is a natural metabolite found in the human and plant world.  Itaconic acid has been recognized for decades as a valuable plant-based material due to its versatile functionality and its safety profile.  It is produced for commercial purposes by fermentation using plant-based feedstock and is widely available on the open market.  

We purchase and process it into key ingredients used in a wide range of consumer products. The long-term potential for our business is based on our proprietary technology platform for turning itaconic acid into functional polymers that have high performance, safety, and sustainability value in consumer products. Our capabilities are protected by 16 patent families.

Autumn dawn in forest.

Decarbonizing Everyday Products

Why itaconic Acid?

Itaconix plays a pivotal role in reducing the carbon footprint of everyday products. Our approach involves developing plant-based ingredients that seamlessly replace conventional, fossil-based compounds in various consumer goods. Our strategy enables companies to produce environmentally friendly products without sacrificing performance, fostering a sustainable production process. Itaconix's commitment to plant-based ingredients aligns with our customers' search for more sustainable practices that contribute to a healthier planet.

Advantages of Itaconic Acid

Itaconic acid in addition to being a safe natural metabolite, is also highly valuable as a versatile building block for a range of chemistries. The unique functionality of itaconic acid polymers, long sought by chemists, has been harnessed by Itaconix. This allows us to pursue the replacement of fossil-fuel-based acrylates and styrene in consumer products. Because of these properties our ingredients continue to gain popularity and receive traction.

Crucially, our polymer products excel in performance, efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. Finally, beyond efficacy, our polymers, derived through a carbon-sequestering fermentation process, contribute to the low carbon economy. Our technology shows that there is no need to sacrifice performance for the sake of sustainability, and no need to spend more to achieve these goals.

Close up of beautiful yellow flowers against an out of focus natural outdoor landscape background.

Wild grass in the mountains at sunset.

Future potential

What is the business outlook for itaconic acid polymers?

The market potential for our technology platform is broadly defined by the $20B in current uses for acrylic acid and styrene polymers in consumer care, hygiene, water solutions, agriculture, composites, and coatings. With 12+ innovative ingredients protected by 16 patent families, we offer formulators cutting-edge solutions for a new generation of sustainable consumer products. Continuous developments ensure we stay ahead, driving significant market potential.

Major applications

The leading cleaning polymer in our platform can reduce total ingredient costs, enable more compact dosages and manage water hardness, reducing mineral deposits. This polymer increases plant-based content to improve the sustainability of the end product.

Itaconix beauty polymers are gaining use in hair care products as alternatives to fossil-based fixatives based on excellent curl retention, novel soft feel for “weightless” hairstyling, and high plant-based content. 

Itaconix polymers for odor neutralization have comparable odor control performance to incumbent ingredient, zinc ricinoleate, while offering the advantages of not leaving residues, ease of formulating into products, and plant-based content.


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